Mencho Sosa

Footballer Mencho Sosa has decided to swap the soccer pitch for the circus arena and cheer people up with his skills: he combines freestyle soccer with classic juggling and spices it all up with a pinch of humor. He delights audiences all over the world!
Duratioon: 30 minutes - Street and Theater
scenic space: minimum 4m width x 3m deep, 5m high
Light (inside show, evening): on the side and some behind and not many in front
Required: Flat, smooth, dry floor
Mencho Sosa is Facundo Molina, a versatile artist who studied theater at the Municipal School of Dramatic Art in Buenos Aires. He pursued mime studies at the Argentine School of Mime and practiced juggling as a self-taught artist.
After many years of playing football, he decided to combine his two passions: football and performance art, creating his unique and authentic football show.
With his Football Show, he has performed in over 25 countries across Asia, Europe, and America.